Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Whats the difference between these two phrases in spanish?

I need help PLEASE!

Whats the difference in saying "Me gusta...." and "A mi me gusta...." ?

Ex- Me gusta cantar en ingles.

A mi me gusta cantar en ingles.Whats the difference between these two phrases in spanish?
well they both mean "I like" but the second has more emphasis on "I", meaning that the second one "A mi me gusta" is telling the world that YOU like music, while "Me gusta" is just you like, not much emphasis.Whats the difference between these two phrases in spanish?
me gusta = i like this/that/someone/ect.

a mi me gusta = i like too, but is like About me, I like ....

Its like putting more emphasis on that YOU like something

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